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The iPhone 7 will adopt new packaging technology FOWLP which will impact the PCB manufacturing market

Reputedly the Apple decided to apply the technology of Fan-out WLP (FOWLP) on the next generation of iPhone. Due to the increasingly advanced semiconductor technology, with the appearance of packaging technology without the need of print circuit board, in the future, it is afraid that the PCB market is gradually shrinking

According to Korean media reports, the rumors say, in the fall of 2016, on the upcoming new smart phone iPhone 7 (we provisionally call it), Apple will use the chips with FOWLP packaging technology,which makes the new iphone more thinner and manufacturing cost lower.

Previously Apple decided to import FOWLP packaging on the Antenna Switch Module (ASM). It is reported that Apple has recently decided to import FOWLP packaging on the application processor.

If so, Apple will be the first one in the industry who decides to adopt the FOWLP packaging on the main parts of smart phones. ASM chip is responsible for receiving all kinds of frequency signal,and can aso provide the switch function; Mobile AP is playing the brain function of smart phone or tablet PC.

FOWLP packaging is one of the semiconductor packaging technology. It does not need to use printed circuit board (PCB), and can be directly packaged on the wafer, so the production cost is low, and the thickness is thinner, and heat dissipation is better. Apple decided to adopt this technology. There are nothing more than a hope that is to produce the thinner and better performance mobile phones with lower cost.

Because Apple can sell hundreds of millions of iphones one year, if in future it uses FOWLP technolgoy,that certainly will affect the printed circuit board market demand.

In the printed circuit board market, the printed circuit board used on the semiconductor belong to high additional value products. In 2015, the size of global semiconductor PCB manufacturing market is about $8.4 billion, but in the face of influence of new technology and Apple’s decision,it is different to maintain the same size of the market in the future.

Industry forecasts, although at present only Apple decided to adopt FOWLP packaging on ASM and AP,but in the future,it may bring the technology to expand to other parts, and other industries may aslo follow up, so the printed circuit board (PCB) market atrophy is just a matter of time.

South Korea electronic circuit industry association (KPCA) relevant personage says, sustainable development of semiconductor technology is bound to affect the printed circuit board market. We should develop market of new products ,such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable devices,so we can induce the impact brought by the development of semiconductor technology

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The Background of Flexible Circuits

Flexible circuits are not new to the globe of electronic affiliations. The modern technology has a remarkably lengthy and also abundant record. Patents issued at the turn of the 20th century program clear proof that very early scientists assumed that level conductors sandwiched between layers of protecting product could reduce the layout of particular primitive sorts of electric circuits in early telephone switching applications (British Pat- ent No. 4681, 1903). Some extremely renowned turn-of-the-century researchers and researchers evidently transformed their thoughts to novel approaches for generating electrical affiliations. For instance, based on notes in among Thomas Edison’s laboratory books, it appears that he pictured the flexible circuit’s precursor. In the notebook, Edison replied to an inquiry from his pupil, Frank Sprague, about exactly how one could put conductors on insulating materials. Among Edison’s sugges- tions was to utilize conductor patterns of graphite powder in cellulose gum tissue put on bed linen paper. There is not proof that Edison’s suggestion was put into practice, yet the idea is close in concept to polymer thick film circuits these days that are common in a variety of applications.
Substantial production as well as use of flexible circuit technol- ogy in digital or electric applications seem to have been delayed until flexible circuits were pressed into service throughout

World War II. At the time, German scientists were utilizing level conductor electrical wiring harnesses both in the weapon turrets of containers and in the V2 rocket. USA flex circuit leader Pat Bryan, related the tale that a recorded V2 rocket utilized by United States space program researchers in the very early 1950s was the
resource of at the very least a portion of flex technology utilized in the United States. Bryan, after that benefiting Lockheed, took a piece of the circuit back to California to research and ultimately use in aerospace items.
An additional crucial growth happened on the east shore of the US in the very same amount of time. From the initiatives of Victor Dahlgren and firm owner Royden Sanders, Sand- ers Associates in New Hampshire made considerable strides, de- veloping processes for printing as well as etching flat conductors on flexible base materials to change wire harnesses. Later on, dealing with Sidney Tally and also Thomas Stearns, Dahlgren likewise aided to define and also patent just what is perhaps the first inflexible flex circuit (fig. 2-1). It is hard to identify specifically when and also where flex PCB innovation was born in the United States; nonetheless, it is evident from ads of that period that Photocircuits in New York was providing at the very least the idea of steel circuits on flexible base product

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The history and future of China Shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry (1)

The history and future of China Shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry (part 1)

In 1978, China shenzhen was in the wave of market economy development and became the first attempter of Chinese enterprises market-oriented reform. As the high-end electronic components , the PCB manufacturing industry began to sprout here;In the 1990s, along with the rapid development of China electronics industry, especially in the Pearl River Delta region, Shenzhen PCB industry has become one of the region where PCB fabrication was developed the earliest in China; PCB factories were the most concentrated; industrial chain was the most perfect. Entering the new century, the global industry transfer is up to peak, and China PCB manufacturing industry has become the world’s largest production base. In shenzhen, from the military level to universal PCB, you can find the most cutting-edge, the most rapid development, the most competitive PCB manufacturers here. Now, in the cost consideration of the environmental protection, human resources and in industrial land, China shenzhen PCB factories begin to move to the Chian mainland and southeast Asia. Another wave of industrial transfer has been started.Where should the China Shenzhen PCB industry go? where is the future opportunities? We enumerate the past experience and lessons, and hope to find the road of sustainable development of the industry in the future.

Three decades’ Industry development,from catching up to surpassing

In the economic structure of Shenzhen, the status of the electronic manufacturing industry is important. Among them, PCB manufacturing industry is the core engine that once pushed the development of Shenzhen electronics industry. At the same time it also reflects the whole development of manufacturing industry. After experiencing the glory of processing and technology Introduction, PCB manufacturing industry has to face the concerns of industrial relocation and transformation .

In the early 1980s, Shenzhen decided to develop the electronic industry .Then, more than 20 processing factories were born in Shenzhen. Most of the money of these enterprises was from Hong Kong, and those technologies were from Japan, and in this way, the first batch of PCB manufacturers in shenzhen establishied the industry foundation. On October 20, 1980, the city government approved industry of shenzhen, China zhenhua electronic company and Hongkong Lushi Industrial Co. Ltd established a joint venture company,Huafeng Electronics CO.,LTD, including the TV production line and PCB production line. In 1984, with the backgroud of military enterprise, Shenzhen shennan circuit co., LTD was set up, and joined in printed circuit board manufacturing industry. In May 1985, the pcb business division of the Japanese sanyo (shekou) co., LTD., was formally established and put into production.In 1986, kingfung started the project and they put into PCB production in the following year, which push the trend of importing PCB production line, and at the period ,the technology introduction made the foundation of PCB’s development of Shenzhen.

After entering the 90 s, the international electronic information industry began to mass transfer to developing countries and regions. Shenzhen seized this historic opportunity, and directly led to the “strong position of electronics manufacturing”, and driven by the electronic information industry, The industry star enterprises of Shenzhen PCB industry have started the stage. Not only the large-scale enterprises based on Hong Kong and Taiwan-funded invested in the construction of building factories, the domestic Shennan Circuits, Wuzhou Circuit, JingWang electronics, Suntak, Bomin began to grow up rapidly.

After 2000, China PCB industry ushered the period of the prosperity development, while the PCB industry of shenzhen entered The scene of prosperity that had a beautiful future.In 2006, China became the world’s largest PCB production base, and industry malaise began to emerge:environmental issues, rising costs, heated market competition.The small profit era was coming.After the 2008 financial crisis, the coastal city has plan to moved out manufacturing industy. the pattern of China PCB industry changed. Shenzhen also inevitably faced with the pains and choices of transformation.

30 years, from the catch-up to transcendence, China PCB manufacturing industry growed to the prosperity.The Pearl River Delta region is one of the zones where China PCB industry was earliest developped; the industries is most gathered; machines was most perfect.Under the promising situation of strong order demand in both domestic and foreign markets, the pcb industry also obtained the unprecedented opportunities, especially the private PCB factories developped with the incredible speed of expansion, doubled the output value,from several million to tens of millions to hundreds of millions, billions.They have become China’s leading PCB enterprises. Some also went to public markets.

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The history and future of China Shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry (2)

The history and future of China Shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry (part 2)

The industry’s cross and reconstruction in the next decade

Entering the second decade of the 21th century, with the sustainable development of the electronic information industry, especially  a new generation of information technology industry, the global PCB industry has been in a steady rise .According to data of Prismark which is a  electronics industry consulting company in the United States, the value of global electronic products in 2011 was 1.597 trillion, the growth rate of 9.5%. Among them, computer, communication and consumer electronics accounted for two-thirds of the market.In 2012,global electronics production growth rate was flat and picked up.In 2016, the value of global electronic product output  will reach $2.099 trillion.From 2011 to 2016, the compound average annual growth rate is 5.6%, it is the key to predict  the developping trend of PCB market in the future. Prismark predicted the global semiconductor growth rate would be  4.7% in 2016, and  the global PCB growth rate would be  6.5%.That is to say, the PCB production value will reach $72 billion in 2016, which  is the continuation of a new economic cycle.

With the development of a new generation of information technology industry, all kinds of electronic information products demand gradually strengthen and new electronic products constantly emerge, which make the usage and market of PCB products constantly expand.The emerging 4G mobile phones, automotive electronics, LCD, IPTV and digital TV, cloud computing, brings high-end PCB industry huge market space.Looking back to the development path of the whole PCB industry ,strong momentum maked high-end PCB market full of unlimited business opportunities.The development of  PCB industry of the pearl river delta ,shenzhen as a center, is gradually mature, which marks the industry need  the transformation and upgrading into the high-end  development.Thus they take the advantage under the situation of global restructuring and become  powerful engine of a new generation of information technology industry and important manufactur base.The stable groth with good quality and sustainable development comprehensively are becoming the new concept of development of Shenzhen. Output of GDP per unit area, energy consumption and water consumption per unit GDP, industry structure of GDP, they all become the new connotation for economic quality. At present, Shenzhen is speeding up to high-end industrial upgrading and transformation, and strengthen the development of industrial clusters, forming a number of hundreds of billions of industrial clusters,including communication equipment and terminals, semiconductor lighting, flat panel display, computers and peripherals. Shenzhen PCB industry will also obtain promotion and development in the new round of industrial reconstruction.

The rise of the western region, the structure change of PCB industry

As the largest PCB fabrication industry cluster area in China or even the world and with the most perfect industry development chain, the Pearl River Delta region accounted for half of the China PCB output value. However, in recent years, under the pressure of environmental protection, energy, resources, etc, the government increase efforts to manage the PCB industry. A  big transfer of the industry is quietly changing the China PCB industry structure. The Pearl River Delta Region itself is well equipped on the information indusry.The convenience of the drainage and transportation makes the number of PCB manufacturers more nostalgia with the rigional facility. But the fact that PCB production will pollute the environment makes the government “push ” it out. Choose inland regions to invest, for the enterprise itself, which is passive and reluctant action. Because at present , shenzhen is still the most suitable area of developping PCB industry .But the shift is inevitable. The enterprise must  look for a way out from long-term development.

“Anyway,the advantage of Shenzhen is very obvious.”The size of Shenzhen PCB industry accounts for 30% to 30% of the country .There are  more than 1000 enterprises, and some enterprises develop rapidly.In shenzhen,in the situation of shortage of land resources, their production base must be denotative expansion and layout. But shenzhen PCB industry has a complete industrial chain,and there are about 30% to 40% of all PCB enterprises in shenzhen.The  advantages of  talent and market are huge.we believe in the future the corporate headquarters, research and development and financial settlement will be in shenzhen. Several of PCB manufacturing business executives also expressed they hoped that eventually form a “front shop, back factory” model, namely the factory is built in inland region and the headquarters is set up in the Pearl River Delta region, for example: Shenzhen.

“Industrial transfer must be gradient and hierarchic.”The personage inside course of study says. American industry transferred many times, while it did not appear hollowing out. There are still labor-intensive enterprises in the United States. As first developed eastern coastal areas, it will ultimately form headquarters economy.It mainly develops technology intensive industries with ability of global radiation and high-end service industries. While  the west  undertakes industrial transfer, and it is mainly labor-intensive, and has some high-end services. So in the end the west forms  reasonable division of labor and the organic link with the east, and coastal area industry will not be hollowing out.

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The history and future of China Shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry (3)

The history and future of China Shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry (Part 3)

Transformation Explore : high-end manufacturing and R & D base

In the 1980 s, China began to implement new policies of reform and opening-up. The central gave many special and flexible policy to Guangdong province . in the Pearl River Delta region, especially shenzhen, played so many advantages such as adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, and vigorously carry out the business. Under this background, Shenzhen PCB industry rapidly completed the original capital and technology accumulation,which has laid a solid material foundation for the later high speed development and the current industrial upgrading . After 30 years of development, shenzhen has considerable scale of PCB Fabrication industry. According to top 100 list of China PCB manufacturer released by CPCA in 2011,there were 24 Shenzhen enterprises on it, whose enterprise output are all over hundred million RMB. For industries, from large to strong, from low-end to high-end,they laid a solid foundation. Business model innovation is the key to the success of small and medium-sized enterprises innovation entrepreneurship.Over the years, with the containment of “encouraging innovation and tolerance failure”, shenzhen attracted many entrepreneurs. And with more efficient economic development and advocating innovation,shenzhen is in the leading position. after 30 years, through hard work and innovation, at present, shenzhen PCB industry has good foundation in the all aspects: comprehensive strength in the industry, the industrial chain, professional talent base, product technology research and development, the laboratory construction and international cooperation, etc. Deepenning the reform and transforming development patterns, after the changes shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry will usher a new stage of development.

Shenzhen is an export-oriented economy. At the beginning, industrialization joins the international industry chain. With the change and transfer of international industry chain, shenzhen industrial upgrading and adjustment will be affected correspondly.Now shenzhen industrial upgrading is facing a real change. After entering the 21st century, developed countries see China not only as a processing base, but also as the target market and main source of profit, which will bring new opportunities for China’s industry.the transfer of domestic manufacturing creates chance for shenzhen’s creating high-end manufacturing base. Shenzhen is urgent to develop advanced manufacturing industry of research and development , and advanced service industry.The key to the success of the future economic development in shenzhen , is to transfer the added value of the assembly line to the added value of office building, and to transfer the past “blue-collar” industry to “white-collar” industry.

During the orderly transfer of PCB industry, bomin and Wuzhu circuit have transferred its gravity to Meizhou and Dongguan City. their shenzhen-based factories is increasingly losing the position in their groups. Meanwhile JingWang electronic, Chongda circuit, Yongjie electronic, Jinbaize electronic, Xingsen technology , they all set up factories in the city outside of shenzhen , and they faces the important choice of how to upgrade transformation.Transferring labor-intensive common products to the inland , shenzhen will quickly turn into high-end manufacturing and r&d base of PCB industry to achieve the transformation and upgrading of industry. In addition, from scale expansion to the personalized development, balance the benefits and risks, form unique core competitiveness, which is also a good development path for China PCB manufacturing

Improve the ndustry service and global electronics manufacturing

Shenzhen is in the vanguard of the national electronic information industry development, and it has been cluster advantage in the field: the computer, communications, software, electronic components, digital audio and video, and other fields .Shenzhen is also the area where the PCB is earliest industrialized. We can clearly see the development path of industrial upgrading transformation – from simple processing to advanced manufacturing, from labor-intensive industries to strategic emerging industries, from high energy consumption low output to a low energy yield.Shenzhen has become the purchasing center of global electronic components and lectronic information products.It is close to the advantage of the market and makes the prosperity of the pearl river delta PCB industry. In the new historical stage, when under cost pressure , production base is transferred,shenzhen will remain a PCB market distributing center and it is likely to become a global sourcing center.As the basis components of the whole electronic industry , building global PCB procurement center has a good industrial base,which is pertinent to the trend of transformation into high-end services ,and is also a new industry growth point under the trend of industry transfer,and is the best ways from ordinary manufacturing PCB industry to high-end information services.Building global PCB procurement center has the characteristics:high tech content, high added value, high industrial driving force, and low resource consumption, low pollution of the environment.The construction of the procurement center will make up for industry empty created by PCB industry transfer,and continues to lead the global PCB market development.

The era that China relies on cheap labor for the development has ended. The Chinese enterprise management are facing not only the challenge of customer-centric market competition,but more increasing strength in the technical, cost, quality, service. Shenzhen has the largest electronic information industry group, the most convenient transportation port, and the best talent.In the case of a low-end manufacturing transferring to hinterland, shenzhen PCB industry has the need and strength to the high-end service industry to explore new growth space.Under the policy of supporting headquarters economy, we should encourage and support the PCB enterprises set up design center, purchase center, logistics center, financial settlement center, operations center for the integration of headquarters economy in shenzhen, and build purchase index and price index with global industrial bellwether significance ,which makes shenzhen PCB tansform from passive processing manufacturing industry to modern service industry, and create advanced manufacturing industry cluster,and promote green GDP in line with international standards.

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The history and future of China Shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry (4)

The history and future of China Shenzhen PCB manufacturing industry (Part 4)

The inspiration of completed PCB manufacturing industry chain

In the recent years, China faces many challenges, especially in labor shortages, rising Labour costs, the tougher environmental protection laws , rising raw material costs, customer demand and so on.But despite these challenges, the Chinese mainland is still the best PCB production and investment areas in the next 10 years, and will continue to lead the development of the global PCB. One of the most outstanding reasons is that the Chinese mainland has perfect infrastructure and industrial chain that India, Brazil and other countries can’t compare with .

There is a true story: one day one of PCB indusry person went to Hong Kong, and encountered a Hong Kong taxi driver.He did not think that the taxi driver was one of the earliest pioneers in China electronic industry, and now they don’t catch up with the rapid upgrading of electronic products, with the new generation of mainland electronics factories rising sharply and the global financial crisis in 2008, his factory in shenzhen was forced to shut down, so he was back to Hong Kong as the taxi driver.

“We went to shenzhen to set up electronics factory in the early 1980s.”He said, “at that time business was pretty good. We produced a tape recorder, and sold to mainland China and the world. Later, we produced digital radio, calculator, electronic clock, and sales were also good.” Next, they also produced a game consoles, MP3 / MP4, automotive electronic products, etc.”However, the business is more difficult years than years. The global financial crisis in 2008, due to our foreign trade, so the factory just was closed. I returned to Hong Kong and the Hong Kong government did not have any subsidies, so I drive a taxi right now.”He complained. “what we have produced, are integrated into the mobile phone, and we have no way out.”

His story is very representative, on behalf of the history of the many people in Hong Kong electronic industry. From movers and shakers in Guangdong electronics market in the early eighties to competition with Taiwan companies in ninety ,then from forced into the corner by the mainland competitors to completely evacuating the mainland market in 2010, and he returned to Hongkong as a taxi driver.Why this tragedy happen? As what he said, are all the fault caused by the mobile phones? Not at all. Now the Chinese market manufacturers of digital , console and vehicle still live quite well, and their constant innovation attracts the user’s products;Like what he stated, no one use domestic mobile phone instead of using foreign brands? so he lost his job?This is wrong.There were at least 300 million units of Gray cell phone in China in 2009, shan, and more than 60% were exported to overseas markets. So, the story of his failure, on the one hand is due to their wrong idea: failed to keep pace with rapid chang of electronic products demand, also do not take the common roots users’ needs. On the other hand,it was beaten by the rapid rise of local copycat over the past few years.These local copycat makers form complete and quick response supply chain, while Hong Kong electronics makers appear relatively lonely. So, in the high-end market,they can not caompare with Japan and South Korea, however, in the low-end market they are beaten by copycat, so they have to exit. However, Taiwan manufacturers are different. Relying on the mature industrial chain,Taiwan manufacturers are still in the mainland market.So, another important reason of Hong Kong electronics makers’ tragedy is that Hong Kong does not have mature and perfect electronic industry chain to support them, so, this is fate.


Shenzhen as a special zone has experienced 30 years of rapid development, and has successfully completed their initial expected historical mission.In the transition process from plan to market, shenzhen walked out of the first step of economic development, which created the miracle of historic.
After thirty years of continuous growth, China PCB industry has gone through a rough stage of wild growth. The moon waxes only to wane; water brims only to overflow.Through the peak industry,it is inevitably turned to a new round of cycle.Shenzhen PCB enterprises are mostly from small to large, and meet with a good age.The aggregation and prosperity of electronic manufacturing industry in the pearl river delta , provides fast growing conditions to PCB manufacturers. As long as the business is up, they mostly get rapid development.
Most of them started from simple facilities, and even the old equipment, and continuously expanded. They become the hundreds of thousands of enterprises from dozens of small workshops.From the old equipment to the advanced automatic production line, from a single printed circuit board to the carbon ink, penetration, high-frequency multilayer board, rigid flex pcb. production capability from a few hundred square meters to tens of thousands of square meters.But with the advent of the era of high cost and small profit, enterprises traditionally relying on a cheap labor and low price to get profit will face elimination. They will be replaced by technology enterprises, who rely on improving the technological content of products, market competitiveness and profit margins to win the market;And transfer to innovative enterprise from the processing enterprises.

Ten years of China’s accession to wto, China’s manufacturing industry with the starting point of labor cost advantage , has basically achieved the first stage goal from labor power country to manufacturing country, and with the the second stage goal of tansferring to strong manufacturing country, which is speeding. Enter the second decade of the 21st century, great changes have taken place in China’s economic and social background.Therefore, in order to realize the shift towards manufacturing powerhouse as soon as possible, starting from the present stage of China’s specific national conditions, the optimal path must be selected , and made the feasible development strategy of manufacturing in China.

“Long way to go” is a vivid description of the development pattern of the current China PCB manufacturing industry and enterprises. There is long way to go for innovation and upgrading,so does becoming bigger and stronger. However, we believe that in the fully market-oriented PCB industry, China manufactureres have the invovation to turn the crisis into an opportunity ,but for Shenzhen PCB manufacturers, after thought pains and change, they will usher the phoenix nirvana and get a new life.

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Miniaturization of PCB design is more and more popular

Small-size PCB and low power consumption chips are the key factors for the popular wearable application. Infineon launched the minimum Plug and Play smart NFC module。
small NFC module
Wearable devices are increasingly popular all over the world. There are more and more different wearable devices integrated the payment functionality ,which makes a new challenge for the IC manufacturers : the security chip and NFC technology must be integrated into a extremly small device. Infineon and Beijing ZhongQingYiHe company cooperatly launched an exclusive NFC security module series products.The new plug and play solution will make the infineon built-in NFC antenna of high-level security chip and software integrated into a tiny circuit encapsulation,which greatly reduce the design manpower of device manufacturers . and the size of the smallest module of the series products is only with an area of 4 mm x 4 mm.

The Boosted NFC security module series produced by the Beijing ZhongQingYiHe company, has been certified by the people’s bank of China (PBOC) of China’s financial certification certer.This certification will be an important promoter of pushing the rapid growth of China payment market.

Wang Yanzhong ,general manager of Beijing ZhongQingYiHe company, said: Small-size PCB and low power consumption chips are the key factors for the popular wearable application. This is reason why we use Infineon Boosted NFC security chip. This chip provides a unique combination of system design and safety features. Certified NFC security module will be able to speed up the adopted speed of NFC payment of the regional markets of China

Vice President and general manager of infineon security operations and transaction ,Thomas Rosteck says: “With the driven trend of Internet of Things and always connected (always on) , all smart devices will be built-in the payment function in future. The market will demand new system architecture, so it is easy to integrate reliable hardware poses security function from all kinds of devices. Infineon pioneered innovative solutions which include Boosted NFC security chip in the field of mobile payment .

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The Factors that effect the circuit board PCB price

PCB is part of Customer OEM products. Different customized products are not the same. There is little productions of sharing. On the other hand, out of consideration for the quality, some of our customers may also specify a vendor of substrate, ink, etc., in order to achieve quality and cost control requirements, so there is a PCB processing volatile prices.

PCB price is determined by the below multiple factors

One, the different materials use of PCB causes price diversity.

Ordinary double-side PCB , for example, about the raw material, there are FR-4,CEM-3 and so on.The thickness of raw material is from 0.6mm to 3.0mm.The thickness of copper is from 1 OZ to 3 OZ. One of all the materials may lead a huge price difference.In terms of solder resist ink, there exists a certain price difference bettween common thermosetting oil and light green oil .So the different materails lead diversity of the price.

Two, different production processes of PCB lead the price diversity.

Different production process can lead to different cost.Such as plating gold board and plating tin board, CNC and punching board,using screen priting line and dry film lines,which can form different cost and lead to the diversity of the price.

Three, the difficulty of PCB itself causes price diversity.

Even if the material is same and process is the same, but different PCB itself difficulty also can lead to different cost.If both two the circuit boards with 1000 holes, one piece of bards’s hole diameter is larer than 0.6 mm and another piece of board’s hole diameter is less than 0.6 mm which can form different drilling cost;If two circuit boards with other parts same, but the line width and line space are different,One is not less than 0.2 mm, the another is less than 0.2 mm, which also can lead to different cost of production. Because the more hard the board’s difficulty is ,the higer the board scrap rate is ,which make the cost increase, so result in the diversity of the price.

Four, customers different requirements can also cause the price different.

Customer requirements will directly affect the yield.An board by IPC-A-600E, class1 may have 98% pass rate, but may have 90% pass rate by class3, which make the different cost, so result in the diversity of the price.

Five, different manufacturer lead to the price different.

Even if the same product, but different process equipment and technical level can also form different cost.Nowadays a lot of manufacturers like gold plated board,because the process is simple, low cost.Also a part of the factory product gold plated board, but scrapping rate is rising, which cause cost increase, so they prefer to producing tin plated board, so their tin plated board’s quotation is lower than gold plated board instead.

Six, different payment cause price differences.

Currently PCB factory usually adjust the price though the different payment , ranges from 5% to 10% , which also caused the price difference.

Seven regional diversity caused different price

At present geographically speaking, from the south to the north, there is a increasing trend of prices.Different region have different prices, so different regions caused different price.How to calculate the PCB quotation!

1, the raw material fee (different material fee is different)
2, drilling cost (the number of holes and the aperture size affect the drilling cost)
3, process cost, (the different process requirement of PCB lead the different difficulty,which cause different price.)
4, Labour ,water,electricity and management fee( this fee depends on the cost control of the different factory,and the Taiwanese factory is relatively low) is basic composition.
as for the price of raw materials, now basically stable,price increases is little probability .

Eight, in terms of raw material:there are below factors which influence prices

1, plank material: FR – 4, CEM – 3, this is our common double-sided and multi-layers material. Its price is related with the thickness and thickness of copper. FR – I, the CEM – 1 is our common single-sided PCB material, and the price of this material is very different from the above double-sided and multy-layer material

2, the thickness of the material, the common thickness is: 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4, 3.0, 3.4, and for the thickness of our regular board ,price is not much difference.

3, the thickness of the copper platinum will affect the price. The thickness of the copper platinum generally divided into: 18 (H OZ), 35 (1 OZ) and 70 (2 OZ), 105 (3 OZ), 140 (4 OZ), etc

4, the suppliers of raw materials, common suppliers are Shengyi, KB and Guoji

Nine, Other factors that changes the PCB circuit board production cost

1, to see the PCB circuit, if the line track and width is under 4/4 mm, the price will be plus
2, if the board has the BGA, that cost will be relatively rise. In some places ,the price of BGA is made by the numbers of BGA.
3, surface treatment. The common treatments we have are hot air leveling, OSP , pure tin, immersion tin, silver, gold and so on. If surface process is different, of course, the price also will be different.
4, technology standard.The common standard is IPC2 level, but some customer may have higer requirment,such as Japanese.The common standards is also IPC2, IPC3, enterprise standard, the standard and so on. of course, the higher standard, the price will be higher.

Every sold piece of PCB are customized by customer, so the offer of pcb must base on accounting cost and refering to computer PCB automatic imposition calculation. The comprehensive quotation can be made with material utilization rate on the standard size raw material

The calculation of PCB manufacturing cost is the most special and most complicated in all industries, from cutting, pressure plate, into form, all the way to the FQC, packaging, completing inventory, which need the fee of every process’s material, labour and manufacturing to accout step by step.And then accumulate the cost according to the order’s number.And different type of product, the standard rate of process will be different.For some products such as blind buried hole pcb, plating gold pcb , copper plate, because of the particularity of its technology or all of the material, special calculation method must be taken.By the same token, the bit size used in drilling process will also affect the cost of the product, which directly affect the WIP cost and scrap cost calculation and evaluation.

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With PCB chemicals’ demand rising, NEPCON China launched new exhibition of 2016 PCB

26th-28th April 2016, the 26th China International Electronic Production Equipment and Microelectronics Industry Exhibition were held in Shanghai World Expo Exhibition.

By then, the electronic areas suppliers from the industry SMT, electronics manufacturing automation, systems integration, PCB, test and measurement, welding, anti-static, electronic manufacturing services, industrial robots, machine vision and electronic materials, electronic products were gathered in the pavilion.They have offered a a spectacular visual feast.

It is worth mentioning that this NEPCON China launched a special new professional exhibition Hall 2, which covered the three most popular areas of manufacturing :the PCB (printed circuit board), EMA (electronics manufacturing automation), EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services) , for the majority of electronic exhibitors and visitors to create greater communication and interaction space.Wherein the PCB (printed circuit board) exhibition is covered with digital, intelligent, low-carbon, network development trend’s PCB products with circuit board manufacturing, environmental protection equipment and materials. the timely sharing of representatives of industry-leading level of new idea.

It is well known, PCB is one of the important components of the electronics industry,from the daily use of mobile phones to cars, communications equipment, military weapon systems. PCB board are essential core components. PCB board plays a role in the machine components and the chip support,interconnects and interlayer conduction,preventing welding bridging,and repair identification.Its design and manufacturing quality directly affects the quality and cost of the product, and even lead competitive business success or failure. The stability and reliability of all the performance of the PCB  are closely related with the chemicals.

PCB chemicals has become increasingly important

1. The performance and stability of PCB are colsely related with chemicals which are used in production of PCB.

PCB board plays a role in the machine components and the chip support,interconnects and interlayer conduction,preventing welding bridging,and repair identification.The stability and reliability of all the performance of the PCB  are closely related with the chemicals. It can be said, PCB can not be made without different chemicals , and  high-end multilayer, HDI board, chip carrier board, rigid-flex printed board used in different high-tech electronics even can not be made.

2. high tech electronics products is making more and more stringent requirements for printed circuit board

As technology advances, the printed circuit board is widely used in various high-tech electronic products, which is making more and more stringent requirements of  reliability, stability, heat resistance, bending resistance, ductility conductor, flat, weldability, heat shrink expansion, surface cleanliness and other properties .For example,after the 288℃,10 second hot shock,the copper layer can not crack and the hole wall can not be separated.In the past , it is only required once circulation, but now many electronic products require 3 cycles.Hole small, dense lines, thin board are the trend of today’s PCB board development. The change of different requirements and improvement of all kinds of performance, many indicators come true by changing chemical formulations and processes

3. The chemical used in PCB manufacturing  is occupied by foreign brands for a long time

Mainland China is the center of the world’s PCB manufacturers. Output value has leapt to first in the world in recent years, but with the support of the industry chain is not formed.
The chemicals, the brand of high-end equipment and image have not yet set up.The market share is still low which is incompatible with the status of large PCB manufacturer.
Almost all large  China PCB manufacturer, the chemicals mostly  come from foreign brands.

Compared with the strong market demand, the domestic high-end PCB chemicals market has long been occupied by foreihn brands, such as Japan, Europe and the United States, Taiwan and other places.
In the field of PCB with dry film photoresist, Taiwan changxing ,Japan agms chemical, Japan Hitachi chemical accounted for more than 80% global market share.And it  also shows that the domestic import substitution space is huge.

PCB chemicals thrive

Downstream demand recovery, PCB chemicals thrive.Global PCB production in 2014 was $56.2 billion, an increase of 3%, Prismark forecast  2015-2017 global PCB compound annual growth rate of 3.9%, to 2017 global PCB production will amount to $63 billion.The development of the downstream drive global PCB chemicals demand to rise.According to IHS’s statistics, global PCB chemicals market is around $9.25 billion in 2012, It is expected that PCB chemicals market could reach $11.2 billion in 2017, the compound annual growth rate of 4%.

And because the domestic market potential and manufacturing advantages in China attract foreign investment, in mainland China PCB industry is developing rapidly, China PCB market size is $28.6 billion in 2014, the world accounted for 51%, expected compound growth rate of 6% in 2015-2017. PCB to shift to China, which will  drive demand for PCB chemicals transfer to China.According to statistics, in 2014 the domestic PCB chemicals market size is 16.2 billion yuan, it is expected to reach 20.6 billion yuan in 2017.

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China Taiwan’s PCB output value reaching to Trillion yuan is not a dream

The first member meeting of the 9th session of China Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA) was held on 10th/Mar 2016. More than 600 circuit board manufacturers joined the festivities. Shen Qingfang participated PCB Forum Expert Forum and published the opinion of Taiwan PCB industry development.

Shen Qing-fang said that PCB is very important, just like the human body, “the nerve center” .board range is quite wide. There are 2800 PCB manufacturers in the world,which is a very competitive market. Taiwan’s global market share has reached 30%, if the downstream is made good,  industry output value reaching trillion is not a dream.

He said Taiwan regarded PCB manufacturing as traditional industries in the past , but now they see the PCB industry has been included in the productivity of a ring 4.0, which is a quite happy thing.

Shen Qing-fang mentioned the question that Taiwan PCB is facing includes production of academia does not pay enough attention and price-earnings ratio is low. A small company in China Mainland  can acquire Taiwan PCB factory, which is worth something worried .

In addition, Shen Qing-fang said Zhending springs up quickly from a small PCB company .But now,it quickly jumps up and plays an important role in the whole world. Now it has 35000 employees.Shen Qingfang said, its big shareholders once said,”do you do first in the world”.It has less than NT $1 billion cash on hand and all five factory all start. A lot of people worry about me, but all five factory are now full.

The profit of Zhending last year is expected to create new height. Looking forward to this year, Shen Qing-fang said that the first quarter of this year is projected to the bottom, from the second quarter revenue will grow quarter by quarter.As for the growth rate,it should be “slightly” after the base period has been high. the future development of the spindle will be “guaranteed profits, steady growth, structural adjustment, expanding domestic demand” line, and he is optimistic about the mainland Chinese customers growth strength.